Day 25: In this Difficult Time- Keep the Practice Real


"Do your practice, treat people well, and live your life." -Krishna Das

"Don’t try to hold on to the joy, because you won’t be able to + then you’ll get depressed + then you won’t do any practice. Just keep chanting no matter how you feel."  

That goes for whatever your practice is, whether it be singing, chanting, praying, meditating or walking.

During this time of COVID-19, we are all learning a lot about keeping it real. Back in the 90's at the start of the New Age, a teacher named Sun Bear advised us to not waste our time on any practice that "doesn't grow corn", a staple of life for Native Americans. When life gets challengeing we need our practice, whatever it is, to feed us in practical ways.

The last time we were on retreat with Krishna Das he took questions. Many of the questions had to do with "how". How do I bring devotion into my work? How do I use this practice to help me in dealing with lawyers? How many chants do I need to do? His answer is simple and practical.

You do your practice, treat people well and live your life. Period. He said that when we practice, we cannot help but bring it with us whatever we do, wherever we go. It is never about, how do I bring it. It is who we are.

What is "a practice"? The google answer is: It is the regular performance of actions and activities undertaken for the purpose of inducing spiritual experiences and cultivating spiritual development. According to Krishna Das it is anything that helps us to remember who we are. KD practices the path of openhearted devotion called Bhakti. Neem Karoli Baba, had simple directions for the path of devotion: Love everyone. Feed everyone. That is some big love.

So if this meditation challenge has given you comfort and inspiration, keep practicing and let it grow corn. Whatever spiritual practice that draws you in, go for it. It's not about getting somewhere, or being perfect. It is about being awake, beyond all the stuff and baggage that normally stops us.

Let's sit for 20 minutes.

Keep going! ❤️


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