Day 16: Juicing the Fruit of Creativity


“I think that meditation puts you in that zone, or at least presents you with an opportunity to enter it. Things just begin to flow then. And that’s what I’ve found about creativity. It doesn’t come from forcing and straining and trying really hard. I think it’s more about relaxing and letting go until it all just starts pouring out of you.” — Lee Chesnut, music producer

When I started the meditation challenge I was excited and had so many ideas about what I wanted to share. Now , two weeks in, that data base is narrowing. My mind doesn't have a clue what needs to come next, honestly. So I sit in meditation, relax and open up to receive inspiration from the creative consciousness around me. I am in good company doing this. So many others have found this path to creativity before us including Einstein, Mozart, and even Paul McCartney!

Not all of us are artists, or musicians, but we are all creative. We express our creativity in how we problem solve, what clothes we wear and how we cook a meal. Meditation offers us a quiet space to allow our inspirations to be received. Each day I sit and ask, "what is here now" and amazingly, something comes. Consider what you need to be creative and let's juice it.

Here's our Juicing Plan.

1. Relax. Don't overthink this. Take the pressure off to produce something. Nothing turns off the creative juice like working too hard at it. Expectations are also a turn off. Let go of how you think it should be. Creativity is about bringing something totally new into form that has never existed before.

2. Sit with intention. Ask for what you need, a solution to a problem, or an idea. Relax. I will say that alot. Let the inspiration process open and flow. You are like an antenna relaxing into receiving a signal. Trust something will come. Have paper nearby in case you are afraid you will lose your Eureka Moment. If you have difficulty trusting the process, consider meditating on that to see what inspired solutions you can come up with. Be where you are without forcing anything.

3. Pay attention, otherwise known as mindfulness. Intention sets us up to be 24/7 magnets for all useful elements. Meditation helps us to listen for it. Inspiration may come at anytime or place. It may come on a bus or in the air, in the news or through a muse, as Dr. Seuss might say. Once you are inspired, run with it! Let it flow and take you to unknown and unexpected places of creativity.

That's it. Bring your best creative self forward. Keep going!

All the best to you, today and everyday!


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