Day 14: Finding Peace in times of Trouble

There are times when we are so disturbed that we can't think of anything else. How do we deal with that?

The Dalai Lama tells us not to let anything disturb our peace. That means that our peace is our business and a choice we make. So, what happens when something overwhelming disturbs our peace? The challenge isn't to find peace in time of peace, but to find peace in times of disturbance. That is why we practice.

If we remember nothing else, know this: the thoughts we think upset us. The thoughts we think create the feeling and the suffering. That doesn't mean what is happening isn't real, but what we think about, how we think about it, is crucial. We can stay firmly anchored in reality and still hold onto our peace through the practice of meditation.

Sit, even if you are so angry smoke is coming out of your ears. Sit, even if you are sobbing. Sit, even if your heart is pounding and it feels impossible. Just sit. This is the perfect opportunity to put our practice to practical use. Test it. Work it. Let it bear fruit.

Here's what we do.

  1. Sit. Breathe. Settle. We have limited control over what goes on around us. We can try to cover the world with leather or put on shoes. Stuff happens, it's real and upsetting. Acknowledge the thoughts and reactions. Once we know what's going on, we have choices and are no longer victimized by circumstances. Sit.
  2. Be here now. What are we feeling? When we feel discomfort, it is a natural response to try to get away from it. Instead, feel everything without needing to do anything about it. Allow what’s here to simply be observed by a gentle witness.
  3. Stay with the experience as long as necessary, watching and being curious. Remember our peace is our business. Choosing to be peaceful in the face of disturbance does not mean we don't care. Choosing peace, creates peace. Another simple but not easy process brought to you by your friendly Meditator. ❤️ Can I hear an Amen!



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