Day 13: Breathe In...Breathe Ouch...cough sniff.


It's tempting to blow off meditation when we don't feel good.  

"People think meditation is a huge undertaking. Don't think of it like that. " -Deepak Chopra

When we feel crummy, we may want to skip meditation practice. It does take some energy and we may not have much to spare.

What if the very thing that may take some energy, like meditation, could be the thing that helps us feel better? Often blowing our noses, sipping tea and meditation will comfort us when we feel miserable. You are the best judge of what you need. Will sitting help? Or do you need time to rest up and start again tomorrow? I think Deepak Chopra makes a good point about thinking meditation has to be a big overwhelming deal. If we think we need to do it correctly, or if we need lots of rituals or processes, it will take energy that we may not have. Give yourslef a break, and just wrap yourself in a blanket and sit. If you fall asleep, it's fine, you needed to sleep. Gently be where you are.

Consensus is that meditation is useful anytime, sick or well, tired or energized, stressed or relaxed. Sharon Salzberg, a co-founder of Insight Meditation Society, author and teacher of Buddhist meditation practices, faced a serious health challenge. Her take away was that her meditation practice during the well times, supported her in getting through a challenging time.

So when we are sick, we take it easy, and keep the practice simple. We do what we can. This isn't an iron man competition and there are no points for difficulty. Sit gently with acceptance for where you are, right now, drippy nose and all.

Stay calm. Keep going!


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